By Pace LaVia • November 11, 2019

CANNABIS REGULATIONS ARCHIVE: U.S. Cannabis Industry Regulations by State

Here at Viridian Sciences, we have an army of researchers working diligently to gather regulatory information from each state in which cannabis is legal. We use this information to build regulatory compliance features into Viridian Sciences cannabis ERP and seed-to-sale software solution.

Over the coming weeks and months, in an effort to collate U.S. state cannabis industry regulations, we’ll be collating a state-by-state rundown and overview of each state including links to applicable state codes and application forms, as well as contact information for regulatory departments in each state.

We hope that cannabis entrepreneurs and operations managers will find these pages helpful in planning compliance strategies and as a quick reference to their state’s cannabis regulations and contacts.

We welcome suggestions as to how we can make this archive the most valuable to your company.

CANNABIS REGULATIONS ARCHIVE: U.S. Cannabis Industry Regulations by State


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